
Faculty advisors play a major role in student success. Below are tools that will aid in successful advising of students in your program(s).


哈士奇建议 and 登记 Programs 认识全新的哈士奇

建议和学生过渡 coordinates 哈士奇建议 & 登记 for students newly admitted to the university. Students are invited to reserve spots for an advising day on our web-based reservation system.

New Entering First Year (NEF) and New Entering Transfer (NET) students are required to complete a 哈士奇建议 & 登记 program before they can register for classes. This program is the cornerstone of a student's onboarding experience to the SCSU academic community. 

Flexible programming is offered through on-campus (in-person) events, 缩放事件, 通过D2L的自定进度选项, or individual appointments with success advisors. We partners with 教师 advisors and chairs in academic departments to individually advise incoming transfer students based on previous coursework. 

通识教育计划(MNTC) Putting the pieces of the puzzle together

The Liberal Education Program (LEP) at St. 云州 believes liberal education provides knowledge, skills and experiences and promotes critical thinking and ethical values for a lifetime of integrative learning in a diverse and changing society.

The LEP is the liberal arts portion of a bachelor's degree and provides opportunities to explore academic interests and the development of transferable skills which apply to all careers.

  • The Liberal Education Curriculum is organized into 10 goals. 
  • Students must achieve the 10 goals through courses or experiences and earn at least 40 credits in liberal education courses.  
  • Liberal Education courses may be double counted as courses required for a major or minor.
  • Each student must complete three courses designated as Diversity courses. 
  • Students may take no more than one course from any one department. 
  • Beginning with Fall 2021, students must complete one approved Racial Issues (RIGR) course. See Goal 7 for approved Racial Issues courses.
  • Explore all options for goal area courses in the 大学目录.
  • 通识教育: Find general education information in the 大学目录.
Refer to your individual advisee's degree audit report (DARs) to track completion of the general education program.
主要/次要顾问更新 随时让我们知道

建议 & Student Transitions is responsible for making advisor assignments for all undergraduate, degree-seeking students on campus (advising updates within Herberger Business School are managed by the Business 建议 Center). 每学期, academic departments are contacted to update their 教师 advisor roster to address retirements, 休假, 还有其他的离开. This list is used to assign new students and to reassign current students who have chosen majors or minors within a department. 

Students with fewer than 60 credits are assigned to a staff advisor within 建议和学生过渡. 学生修满60学分后, they will be reassigned to a 教师 member for advising and the staff advisor will remain connected to the student as a Success Coach. Pre-nursing students transition when students are admitted into the nursing program. HBS students transition when student achieves 高年级地位.

电子邮件: advising@kaidandizo.com 

培训及工作坊 保持了解

We strongly encourage advisors to take the "建议 @ SCSU" course in D2L Brightspace.

建议 training is offered through 建议 & Student Transitions to 教师 who would like to learn more about:

  • 通识教育 / Liberal Education Program (LEP)
  • 大学学术政策
  • 学位审核报告(dar)
  • 转移学分
  • 建议方法(发展性) & 感激)
  • EAB的导航

NACADA, The Global Community for Academic 建议, is an association made up of professional advisors, 教师, 辅导员, 管理员, and students working towards enhancing education development for graduate students. Their website has vast information regarding theories in advising, 最佳实践, and professional development opportunities. 


许多学生来圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 with earned college credit from other institutions, 比例程序, 大学先修课程考试, and other means of obtaining college credit. Below are some links that may be helpful in understanding what transfer credits are and how they apply to students.

什么转移到St. 云州?

有用的链接 把这些页面收藏起来

EAB的导航 让你的工作与学生一起进行

EAB的导航 improves campus engagement, retention and graduation rates. Navigate empowers 教师 and staff to better support students.

Improving our communication strategies and expanding our use of predictive analytics helps students stay enrolled, make timely progress toward a degree and graduate with a strong sense of purpose.

Advisors can help by using tactics such as shared note-taking, progress reports and the creation of alerts for students struggling in your classes.

Navigate can be used to schedule one-on-one advising appointments and group advising appointments.